"Lone Ranger" Trailer: Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp Get Tough
Armie Hammer was the drool-worthiest part of The Social Network (unless you count that doe-eyed Anthony Perkins doppelganger Andrew Garfield), and Johnny Depp ranks among the sexiest men ever to hit the silver screen. Does the second Lone Ranger trailer live up to what should be a high composite sexiness?
Forgive me for noticing the Disney stamp, the gold-dusted "rustic" cinematography, and the completely uninteresting dialogue, but I'm having John Carter of Mars flashbacks. I'm not suggesting we'll ever see a failure similar to that in the immediate future, but I'm more dubious than thrilled. And where is the hotness? So far I'm seeing saloon costuming and showy special effects. More Wild Wild West ('99) than Clayton Moore, wouldn't you say?
Director Gore Verbinski said the movie will be more a showcase for Tonto (Depp) than the Lone Ranger, which is interesting. I'm not immediately seeing the Oscar nomination potential than Jack Sparrow afforded Depp, but we'll see.
Also: Does Armie Hammer's voice sound too affected and inhuman to anybody else? I'm worried.
Let's rectify this by posting old hot pictures of the two stars.
There we go.
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