Drawsome! Incredible pencil pictures of Hollywood stars

THESE are the incredible pictures of Hollywood legends - drawn using only a pencil.

From roguish Johnny Depp to the cast of hit movie The Hobbit, the movie icons have been brought to life with pencil lead.

Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf

You shall pass your art exam ... artist used only pencil to make the pictures

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The remarkable images are the work of Italian artist, Franco Clun, who spends up to 50 painstaking hours putting together a single picture.

And the artist says drawing his subjects lets him feel closer to the stars.

X-Men star Wolverine, played by Hugh Jackman, was one of the Hollywood icons drawn with just a pencil

Lead-ing artist... X-Men star Wolverine, played by Hugh Jackman, was one of the Hollywood icons drawn

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He said: "I started drawing famous people that somehow gave me something special back.

"I began to study the famous faces I thought I knew so well and I began to discover new details.

"At the end of each drawing, I feel I know so much more about the person I have drawn.

Tilda Swinton looks remarkably lifelike in this pencil drawing

Shades of grey ... actress Tilda Swinton looks remarkably lifelike in this drawing

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"Only when you try to draw something you can say you have seen it for real."

Franco sells his pictures for 500 Euros each (440) for a single A4-sized drawing.
