The Lone Ranger Trailer Online: Can Johnny Depp Transform Tonto?
Picture: Johnny Depp and Damien EcholsDamien Echols in Conversation with Johnny...
The Lone Ranger Trailer Online: Can Johnny Depp Transform Tonto?
Johnny Depp has given us the first taste of his performance as Tonto as the first Lone Ranger trailer goes online. Flanked by his familiar onscreen companion, Helena Bonham Carter and with Armie Hammer in the title role, we only get a glimpse of Depps voice as Tonto; as he sits astride his horse, on top of a cliff, next to The Lone Ranger and says in a gruff voice there comes a time when good man must wear mask and the camera pans out to Depp and Hammers faces; Depp doused in tribal face paint and Hammers face obscured by a black eye mask.
Set in America at a time of industrial revolution, The Lone Ranger tells the tale of a former Texas Ranger fighting injustice in the Wild West. The movie s directed by Gore Verbinski and movie fans were treated to an image of Tonto and The Lone Ranger and now, we have a teaser trailer to feast our eyes upon. The movies not released until August 2013, so theres a long wait until we get to see the whole thing; with Depp in top-billing though, the hype will be sure to build between now and then.
What we do learn from this brief clip though is that were gonna get to see some classic steam-era train-robbery action. Johnny Depp will most likely being turning the stereotype of Tonto which means dumb in Spanish on its head and it looks as though Tonto will be more than just a sidekick; more likely hell turn out to be far wise! r than his name suggests.
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Tags: Johnny Depp - Helena Bonham Carter - Armie Hammer - Gore Verbinski
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