E-Cigarette Smokers, Like Johnny Depp in the Tourist, Prove Less Risky to Themselves and Others than Tobacco Smokers ...
Johnny Depp, playing a heartbroken man in the movie The Tourist, is the first character to use an electronic cigarette in a blockbuster cinematic production. As he sits in his seat on the train, just about to meet Angelina Jolie's character, he can be seen puffing on a device that looks similar to a traditional tobacco cigarette. Given the relative youth of electronic cigarettes and the Vaping community surrounding them, this scene raises a lot of questions about them, but new electronic cigarette studies are beginning to suggest answers.
Miami, FL (PRWEB) August 30, 2012
James Oliver, founder of the popular E Cig Review site New Electronic Cigarette Review, and e-cigarette advocate states Are electronic cigarettes safe for the person using them? More importantly, are they safe for the non-smokers around them? These are some of the questions that electronic cigarettes have raised in a their few years of existence. There are answers to these questions that are starting to emerge as proper studies begin to be done.It is well-documented that electronic cigarettes do not contain even close to the amount of carcinogenic toxins of tobacco cigarettes. In an FDA study, there were only slight trace amounts, around 500 to 1400 times less than the amount found in tobacco.
But still, many wondered whether e-cigarettes were dangerous to other parts of the body, such as the heart. Thanks to a recent study done at the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Athens, Greece, there are some big facts that can help answer the question. In the study, they took 20 tobacco smokers and 22 electronic cigarette smokers and compared them against each other. The tobacco smokers smoked one cigarette and the e! lectroni c cigarette users puffed on their devices for 7 minutes. Their heart activity was then recorded. As it turns out, blood pressure and irregular activity skyrocketed in those smoking a tobacco cigarette, while there was only slight activity noted in the e-cigarette users. There is still a lot more research to be done, but this study is the first step in proving that electronic cigarettes are much less risky than tobacco in terms of heart health.
It's obviously best not to use any nicotine delivery system at all, but these two studies (and many more like them) show that electronic cigarettes are a safer alternative to tobacco. However, they don't really answer the question of whether its safe to use e-cigarettes around one's loved ones and friends. Is there any danger of secondhand smoke or secondhand nicotine inhalation? According to a study by a group called Utah Vapers, there is no nicotine contained in exhaled electronic cigarette vapor! And additionally, all other substances in the exhaled vapor were far below the acceptable levels for inhalation according to FDA guidelines. This is resounding evidence that there is virtually no health risks to those exposed to secondhand vapor.
As electronic cigarettes continue to grow in popularity, studies will continue to be done and answers will continue flowing in. For now, it looks as if electronic cigarettes truly are a great alternative to tobacco smoking for both the users themselves and the people around them. So next time you take a train ride, maybe you can puff away on your electronic cigarette instead of having to wait until you arrive at your destination to smoke a tobacco cigarette.
To learn more about e-cigarettes and current issues surrounding their use visit: http://newelectroniccigarettereview.com/
James OliverBest Electronic Cigare! tte Revi ew(906) 563-1177Email Information
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